

Visione Globale
azione locale
Altevie nasce nel 2007 dalla collaborazione tra gli studi professionali degli ingegneri Marco Cordeschi (L’Aquila), Marco Rinaldi (Macerata) e Renato Toros (Gorizia), tutti professionisti con una lunga esperienza nei settori di specializzazione. Nel corso degli anni definisce le proprie aree di intervento e specializzazione introducendo metodologie e protocolli di progettazione e di controllo di esecuzione delle opere all’avanguardia. In partnership con importanti aziende italiane che lavorano in ambito internazionale, dal 2019 avvia le prime progettazioni di impianti a fune all’estero.
Building the
future cities.
/ Analysis
Urban design draws together the many strands of place-making, environmental stewardship, social equity and economic viability into the creation of places with distinct beauty and identity.
/ Schematic
Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise, Concor delivers world class infrastructure solutions to customers and stakeholders across a broad range of industry sectors.
/ Concept
Since the 1980s, as the complexity of buildings began to increase, the field of architecture became multi-disciplinary with specializations for each Through a unique combination of engineering, construction and design disciplines and expertise.
/ Offer
Hub embraces holistic development and support for employees the aim of being a first-choice employer our sectors. Since the 1980s, as the complexity of buildings began to increase, the field of architecture became multi-disciplinary